Live a Well-Balanced and Fulfilled Life
Self-Care is more than fitness and nutrition
Many people believe taking care of themselves requires expensive gym memberships, trips to the spa, hiring personal trainers/health coaches, and trying to make massive changes before becoming clear on their wellness and lifestyle goals. While these things are important, we must first decide whether they align with our overall wellness and lifestyle goals.
We are taught to prioritize our life by our financial and career goals first. Unfortunately for many of us, we spend so much time wanting to reach higher achievement that we forget to take care of ourselves in the process.
Most people only think about self-care after being injured, suffering from a medical condition, or realizing their health is in jeopardy. People are approaching their health from a place of panic rather than by a holistic lifestyle approach.
The challenge health care professionals and coaches face with their clients is that most people do not prioritize self-care. The other challenge is overcoming the belief there is no time.
One of the essential things to consider in a well-rounded lifestyle is the stress, anxiety, and overwhelm in our daily lives. We have been taught that achievement means sacrifice. Most people believe they need help with nutrition and exercise before gaining insight into their daily habits. We must realize that our goals should be viewed as a lifestyle rather than a short-term achievement.
Whether we are looking for a better career, weight loss, or overcoming an injury or health condition, we must gain a realistic outlook that encompasses a thorough examination of our willingness and available time commitment to the process.
The foundation of change rests in our ability to reflect on the required amount of time a particular project will take and whether we can spend the time to achieve it. I have struggled with balancing my goals and aspirations throughout my career without taking time to balance the need for my health and mental/emotional well-being.
After many of my struggles with life balance and stress, I realized that the missing link was learning to clarify my ability and time to commit to something meaningful. I also realized that overcoming challenges requires handling a certain amount of discomfort, which will determine the results I achieve.
I have realized people seek unrealistic goals without a step-by-step approach or support system, which causes most people to give up. The belief that a magic formula, method, or algorithm will provide all the answers is a myth. To overcome a challenging situation or achieve great things in your life will take trial and error. There is no perfect answer, except for the one that allows you to get where you are going.
I believed that other people were more intelligent, more gifted, and achieved things easier than me. As I continue to set new goals and more significant achievements, I realize that all things are possible with the right attitude, desire, and work ethic. We must look at our goals and determine whether or not we are serious about the things we want to overcome, and only then can we decide if what we are pursuing is worth it.
The biggest key to success and a happy life is learning, defining, and living by the values you believe in. Most people have trouble overcommitting, doing things that do not inspire them, and giving their time and energy to people and experiences that do not match their values.
If you genuinely want to feel like your life is fulfilled, you must be willing to invest time in seeking and living towards your goals. A thorough examination starts with asking if you are happy and content with your life and how you are spending your time.
Before making new commitments or decisions involving your well-being, career choices, and relationships, make sure you feel supported and live doing the things you want. If you have not yet taken the time to understand your values thoroughly, seek someone who can help you.
You can have a solid life purpose, great relationships, a career, and a life filled with meaning if it is important to you. The key is finding the people, and experiences that leave you feeling hopeful, inspired, and energized.
Although life can be challenging, it also offers many opportunities to learn, grow and mature deeply through our experiences. There will be many times in life we have to do things we don’t like, and it’s these moments that can remind us to be grateful when we spend time doing things we do like.
If you find that you are spending more time doing things that make you feel tired, uninspired, angry, or depressed, perhaps you need to have a deeper look into how you are spending your time.
Before making significant life changes and adding new commitments and obligations, ask yourself if they add value to your life. There is a big difference in setting realistic, achievable goals with a purpose rather than doing many things to fill your time because you are unhappy.
Choose to live a life free from being overwhelmed, uninspired, and burned out. It will take building a plan, defining your most true life purpose and passions while taking the appropriate time for self-care.