Breathwork will help you improve your mental, physical, and spiritual wellbeing!
Breathwork Workshop | July 21st
Breathwork is a powerful technique for personal exploration and discovery, healing, and growth. This class is designed to help you experience your life more fully and release stuck energy, emotions, and things that no longer serve you. Breathwork is purely experiential, and it is different for everyone and every time you do it.
You will learn the technique and some things you may experience through the session. You will be guided through the experience and encouraged throughout to stay focused and work through some of the difficulties that may come up during your session.
Most people leave breathwork sessions feeling clearer, calmer, more content, and relaxed. It’s impossible to describe without trying it, but you will certainly feel differently after you experience it for yourself.
Instructor: Kevin Pedrey
Date: July 21st 2024
Time: 11-12:30 pm
Location: 244 West Washington Street Sequim, WA 98382
Cost: $35
(If you would like to pay with cash or check, please get in touch with me to make arrangements)
Kevin Pedrey has been practicing energy healing since 2001. He is a Tai Chi and Chi Gong Instructor and Master Level Reiki Practitioner.
What is Breathwork?
Breathwork is an umbrella term - much like “fitness.” It’s used to describe a LOT of different practices, but in general, the term Breathwork means to control your breath consciously and to go inward to find healing and peace. I practice “Conscious Connected Breathing” or “Circular Breathing.”
What are the benefits?
The most commonly reported benefits include: eliminating chronic pain, improving sleep, releasing trauma and fear, increasing self-love, finding emotional balance, increasing self-confidence, massive stress relief, improved physical health, and better interpersonal skills. Breathwork can restore your sense of knowing what you feel, and what your next steps in life are.
What you may experience?
Ability to manifest greater abundance, and deep healing of wounds, grief, and traumas. Access to expanded states of consciousness, including higher guidance and clarity. Releasing of toxins from the cells of the body. Massive stress relief and deep relaxation. Greater self-love and more loving relationships. Emotional Balance. Relief from physical pain. Increased connection to a source. Overwhelming feelings of joy. Deep inner peace and can allow for connectedness & oneness to arise.
I work with individuals, couples, and groups. Breathwork is a powerful tool, and can help you achieve your wellness and healing needs more peacefully and clearly.
Who do I work with?
Why do people do Breathwork?
The most common reasons people use and practice Conscious Connected Breathing are: to help with chronic pain, depression, grief, anxiety, trauma, physical ailments, sleep issues, PTSD, and to help find direction and peace in their everyday lives.