Setting up the Core Position
Move Better. Move Without Pain
This video will show you the areas important go gaining strength and the areas to improve for better performance.
Position #1
Keep your head down, back on the floor, and make sure you are breathing during this movement. Bring your arms up and your legs into the 90-degree position. Notice how your breathing changes or if there is discomfort in your low back. If there is a pain in your back, stop.
Position #2
Everything is the same as in position 1. The difference in this position is that you will now push your hands into your knees while moving your knees towards your body. Notice how your breathing changes or if there is discomfort in your low back. If there is a pain in your back, stop.
Position #3
In position 3, notice how 1 leg is bent and the other is straight out. Notice how your breathing changes or if there is discomfort in your low back. If there is a pain in your back, you must stop immediately!
Position #4
Position 4 is like position 3, accept you are bringing up your arms. Notice how your breathing changes or if there is discomfort in your low back. If there is a pain in your back, you must stop immediately!