How to Live Your Life with Purpose

We hear people talk about wanting to find their passion or find their purpose in life.  Ever wonder why everyone seems so steadfastly focused on this topic?  Perhaps the idea of wandering around aimlessly doesn’t feel good to them or others.  Not feeling like you have a purpose can leave you feeling frustrated and like you have no direction in anything you do.  

If you want to have more direction in your life and you don’t already know your purpose in life, consider taking some time to reflect on what your purpose would be if you had to have one.  If are fortunate enough to find one, the quickest way to feel like you have more direction is to ensure you start only doing things that align with that purpose.  

But … how do you discover your purpose?  

Discovering Your Purpose

One way to begin the process of discovering your purpose is to just consider the things in your life that you love to do.  Often the things that we love to do, the things that make us tick … those are the things that we get innate energy from.  If you find something that gives you internal energy, it is likely an area in your life where your gifts and/or talents are most effectively used.  

Think … 

…what do you do to recharge when your energy is low?

…what do you absolutely love to do?

If you take a little time to think though these questions it can help you figure out what to focus on … and start to move in the direction of your purpose.

Enjoying Activities That Align with Your Purpose

As you find what recharges you and what you absolutely love to do – and it moves toward what you purpose might be … look at the things you are doing on a daily basis.  

Think …

… do these activities add to your happiness or purpose?

… do these activities take away your joy or diminish your purpose?

Everything you say, do, think, or act upon should complement your purpose and help you fulfill your life’s mission.  

If you find you are doing activities that reduce your joy or dimmish your purpose, consider dropping the activity or delegating it to someone else that would enjoy the task.  Decluttering your activities to include only those that bring value to your life is one way to begin to live in alignment with who you really are intended to be in this world.  

What is an example of purpose you might ask?  An example could be that your purpose in the role as parent in your family is to provide a healthy and comfortable lifestyle for your partner and your children.  If we hold that to be true, then what activities do you think are in alignment with this purpose?  

Let’s take a look at a few activities and see if they would align with a healthy and comfortable lifestyle.  


Cooking your own food allows you to select ingredients that are nutritious.  If you do not cook the food, you will rely on someone else or a company to put in healthy choices for your family.

If you cook, you can take out the salt, add flavors with healthy herbs and spices, and maybe even reduce the portion size that you provide to be in alignment with your goal of a healthy lifestyle.  Cooking and eating at home might also allow you to save money, which then could be used to ensure your family lives comfortably or that you can save for your children’s future education.  


Keeping the house clean fulfills both the healthy and comfortable parts of your purpose.  By doing things like dusting, washing dishes, and taking out the trash, you are staying healthily and removing the clutter that reduces your family’s comfort. 


Exercising, along with activities like yoga or meditation, help keep your mind and body healthy and comfortable.  These activities keep your weight manageable and can make you feel better inside and out.  Exercising can help you stay strong and able to support your family.  

Do you see how each of these activities adds value to your purpose?  

Things that distract you from your purpose might include eating out excessively, living beyond your means, and even sitting around and doing nothing all day.

Consider replacing negative or unfulfilling activities with ones that increase your energy and fulfill your life purpose.  

Purpose is Part of Your Work and Life

Purpose isn’t just something that you do or think about in terms of your home life.  Your professional purpose must be in line with your personal purpose, but also be fulfilling in and of itself.  You might find that you have a great passion for planning healthy and safe social events.  This can translate into the role as a professional at work’s purpose is to ensure your co-workers and office maters are provided a healthy, comfortable, and socially rich environment.  

For your professional purpose then, you might have a passion to plan social events for you and your coworkers or even to become an event planner.  The desire for health and comfortable is present in both your personal and your professional purpose.

You can engage in activities to fulfill your professional purpose like volunteering for your company's activities committee or being on a board that plans events and meetings or even switching to a career as an event planner. You can also start your own activity group or plan for employee birthday parties in the office.

You can see how these ideas and actions fall directly in line with your passion and purpose. Obviously, you still have to get your job done, but you can certainly use your free time to fulfill your purpose.

Once you've identified your purpose, challenge yourself to live your life with intensity toward that purpose. Do everything you can to focus on your calling with the things you say, think and do. If it isn't necessary or doesn't align with your goals, let it go.

Living your life with intense purpose renews your passion for life and enables you to be the best you can be. It strengthens your self-confidence and, best of all, brings self-fulfillment. Find your purpose today and give it all you've got!

If you want support finding your purpose or with staying inspired, motivated, and living a life with greater purpose and passion let’s get on a call and see how CORE Coaching can support your efforts.  Just click this link to work with us.


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