The 3 Stages to Achieve More In Your Life

Do you wake up feeling inspired knowing that you are living a meaningful life? Do you want to achieve greater success while giving back to your community? To reach your full potential requires aligning your values and living a life that feels deeply meaningful and well-balanced.

One of the biggest problems I find in the professional world is that people spend time thinking about helping others, designing amazing products, and financial security without making a plan to overcome the hurdles to personal success.

We live in a society and a world that values achievement over our health and wellbeing. When we don't prioritize our personal needs, we become overwhelmed, discouraged, burned out, and sometimes left feeling hopeless. How would our lives be different if we woke up every day feeling inspired and encouraged, knowing we were living our lives exactly the way we wanted?

The secret to greater success increased energy, and motivation is spending time doing things that inspire us to live creatively. No achievement will satisfy or replace the feeling of knowing that you are using your truest purpose to make a difference.

If we want to make a bigger impact globally, we must live from an empowered place of hope, love, and faith in the possible. Our goals must be well balanced and equally beneficial for the people we serve, our families, and our lives. If we plan to sustain our work and our mission, we need to live our lives encouraged and in our truest capabilities.

Many people seek achievement by thinking their goals, dreams, and ideas will bring them happiness. When we place our expectations on our work's enjoyment, rather than the physical achievements only, we will find that we can achieve much more in a shorter amount of time. If we can sustain this energy, we will achieve our biggest dreams, even those that may seem impossible.

We manifest our lives with deep purpose and passion by having an emotionally invested attitude and belief that our dreams are possible and extremely important. This belief system creates the energy and momentum needed to overcome the challenges we must go through to achieve our goals.

There are three steps we need to follow. When examined thoroughly, these steps will allow us to decide whether or not we are fully committed to finding our purpose in life.

Dream it.

It all starts with a dream. To achieve anything in life, we must acknowledge that we want to do something. Whether we want to overcome a challenge, achieve a business goal, or learn something new. We must see it clearly, and we must spend time thinking about the possibility.

Here are a few questions to prepare you for the first stage of the process.

Do you know what you want to create?

Do you know why you want to create it?

What would life be like if you could achieve this dream or goal?

What does it cost you or others by not achieving this goal?

"I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be

judged by the color of their skin, but by the content of their character."

– Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.

If we can reflect on these questions, no matter the size of the goal or dream, we can begin to examine and use our creativity with purpose. What is your biggest life vision?

Believe it.

It is important to define our level of commitment clearly. Many people start a new project with excitement, enthusiasm only to realize their energy eventually fades.

"Wishing will not bring riches. But desiring riches with a state of mind that becomes an

obsession, then planning definite ways and means to acquire riches, and backing those plans

with persistence which does not recognize failure, will bring riches."

– Napoleon Hill

To overcome the inertia, we must be emotionally invested and fully aware that dreams take work. They require commitment. Everything we create requires overcoming the belief that we will fail.

When we accept that change requires consistency, we can remember why we are doing what we are doing. Belief takes action. It calls on us to fully commit to the process at all costs. If it is important, we need to find a way to achieve it.

Here are a few questions to think about to help you through this stage of the process.

Are you emotionally invested and ready to do what it takes to achieve your goal?

Do you know why you want to spend time on this?

Do you know why it's important to you?

What holds you back?

What hidden beliefs keep you from taking action?

For some, they never believe in themselves. They get stuck in fear. They believe they don't know how to move forward. In my experience, this stage creates the greatest personal growth.

It is here that people build confidence, belief in themselves and where change takes place. We will then find the energy, enthusiasm, and excitement to find the answers to create amazing things when we feel connected, supported, and full of hope.

Create it.

When we fully understand the importance of the first two stages and commit to implementing them, the creation stage comes easily. We all can create. We need to use our talents, gifts, and values and express them in the world.

If we spent time building our confidence, self-esteem, and a positive belief system, we would be amazed to realize how powerful and unique we are. Once we can fully accept this, we will create joy, happiness, and purpose while creating the work we do in the world.

Imagine how different life would be if we could create without expecting, fear, or feeling the need to hide from ridicule!

"It is essential for you to encourage positive emotions as dominant forces of your mind, and

discourage – and eliminate negative emotions."

– Napoleon Hill

Here are some things to reflect on as you implement this stage of the process.

Do you know the commitment required, and are you ready to do whatever it takes to achieve it?

In what ways can you use your talents, gifts, and values to create something amazing?

Do you believe in yourself without any hesitancy or hold back?

Can you create without expectation of outcome and need for approval from others?

What do you want to create that will change your life and the world?

Do you believe in your vision with confidence and total certainty?

I encourage you to step into and accept that you are powerful. You are capable. Your talents, gifts, and passion for making a difference in this world are greatly needed.

I want to inspire you by reminding you of the difference you make in this world. Step into your mission. You have a calling, a gift, and a required message to share with others.

Believe you have an assignment and search to fulfill it. You are needed. Accept this so you can begin the change you want to see in the world!


Understanding the Transitions in Our Personal and Professional Life


How to Live Your Life with Purpose