Understanding the Transitions in Our Personal and Professional Life

Do you wake up inspired and in love with the work you do? Do you feel that your purpose is clear and that you connected with your truest calling in life?

Over the last 20 years, I have asked myself these questions. I have realized that to find and maintain passion in the work I do, I must continually invest time asking the more profound and essential questions about my life: Am I making a difference?

There were times in my career I felt connected, inspired, and encouraged by my work. Other times I felt hopeless, challenged, and left asking if what I was doing mattered.

People want to love their work, yet many are exhausted, overwhelmed, and buried by it.

We want to wake up knowing and feeling we are making a difference while living a well-balanced and healthy lifestyle.

Some spend their entire life searching for work they love or dreaming about and wanting to create a fantastic project, business, or idea, yet they never fully commit to making it happen. Instead of believing in ourselves and following our creative intuition, we play it safe. We do the things we are good at, rather than fully stepping into our assignment and more significant life purpose.

If you have a genuine desire for living a life that you feel deeply connected to, it requires being in alignment with your greatest purpose. I believe our goal is connected with our values, interests, and experiences.

To fully experience our life and make the most significant impact possible, we must understand and fully accept that our personal and professional life will go through many changes. If we can think of this process as initiation and that our experiences, good and bad, will define us, we can accept it and continue to move forward in life with excitement and enthusiasm while working towards becoming an expert in our field.

Whether you are brand new in your career or a seasoned professional, understanding our own personal and professional development will provide a way to measure our success while acknowledging and accepting where we are.

Defining our life mission, the one we hope to achieve before we die will provide us with the roadmap and steps needed to accomplish our goals. I have realized the road to our greatest mission will require many phases and transitions.

Understanding the Transitions in Our Personal and Professional Life

Through my personal and professional development, I realized these transitions are necessary to achieve greater success. We must be willing to step out of our comfort zone.

There are five signs we are in the midst of a transition, life-changing event, OR on the path to discovering our next chapter in our personal or professional development.

Recognizing these moments and taking action will be the difference between burnout and our next level of success.

These moments define our next move and our willingness to continue on our path to greater life success and getting closer to achieving our ultimate life mission.

If we are not clear on our ultimate life goal or are confused about where we want to go, this may be a sign that we are in the self-discovery phase of our life.

We all want to have a purpose. We all want to make a difference. We want to be known for being of service and great value to others. When we can find this, we will live a more fulfilling and significant life.

You become agitated and irritable because you know there is more.

Being agitated means something is on your heart that is so big, and it is ready to come to the surface. These are the moments you begin to dig a little deeper and make the decisions that will define what and how you will choose to live your life in the future.

You seek achievement, but it never deeply satisfies you.

When you begin to realize the external achievements are not satisfying you on a deeper level, this is when you consciously or unconsciously start to question your purpose.

During this time, the voices in your head begin to get louder and more frequent. Not accepting this causes more confusion and the need to chase external achievements to fill the void.

You begin to lose hope that your interests and dreams can become real.

Life is demanding. When you live a life that does not match your values, goals, and more profound dreams, you begin to feel defeated, and you lack the energy to move forward. Your fears, challenges, and life become so burdened emotionally and physically. You cannot dream bigger and have the power and passion because of being overwhelmed and stuck at your current level.

You have success in many areas of your life, but in others, you struggle.

Part of your frustration is knowing many things in life require your attention. You have bigger dreams, passions, and a purpose you want to see become a reality. You struggle to balance all of the life responsibilities in a way that feels authentic, fun, and fulfilling while living your true, deeper purpose in life.

You have had many successes, but now you feel bored.

You have had success and failure. You think there is more, yet you don’t know how to reach that next level. You have achieved many things, but now life doesn’t seem to have the same excitement and passion it once did. You remember times in your life when you were happier, or you see others whom you perceive as having more joy in their life. You want to wake up feeling excited, passionate, and living a life that gives you more purpose.

What does success mean to you? What do you want to achieve in your life? If you search for answers, it means you have a calling, another option, and perhaps something bigger you want to achieve. What do you need to do to fully step into your life assignment and mission?


Live Your Life with Passion and Purpose


The 3 Stages to Achieve More In Your Life