Redefine Prosperity and Live The Life Of Your Dreams

What does it mean to live a prosperous life? Are you clear on what is most important to you? Many people are chasing the idea of living a fulfilled life, yet what does this mean?

For where your treasure is, there will be your heart also.

Mathew 6:21

When we stop to think of how we spend our lives and the energy we place on the things we find essential, it may surprise you to know that many people are not clear on what they want from life and or if how they are living is in line with their more meaningful goals, purpose, and values.

The business and corporate world places a lot of value and attention on money, success, and acquiring material wealth. How would life be different if we emphasized living happy, healthy, and joyful lives?

Through my struggles in entrepreneurship, business, health, and life, I have found the cost and hardship of maintaining high levels of productivity while balancing feeling satisfied, content, and happy.

The Hedonic Treadmill is a theory that humans tend to sustain relative levels of happiness despite a change in fortune or achievement of their goals. This explains why we never seem to have enough.

The idea that we can send rockets to space, and all of the other fascinating and mind-blowing technological advances we have made as humans, makes me wonder how difficult it would be to feel and live a happy life if we spent more time trying.

If we switched our priorities from material wealth, fame, and success, our energy could help us spend time living a life that feels good. It would mean thinking about our priorities, values, and time efficiently to achieve those very things.

If you suffer from anxiety, overwhelm, depression, or feeling bored, perhaps you may want to look a little closer at how you are spending your time and the people you are spending time with.

We live in a fast-paced society that focuses on high achievement, productivity, and success without considering our emotional and spiritual well-being.

Many high-achieving individuals are surprised when they come to realize their level of perceived productivity is not sustainable. They suffer from burnout, exhaustion, and why they feel like they are living on a constant treadmill.

When we begin reflecting on what we need and what is missing from our life we most often will be met with a conflict, a choice we need to make. Whether we decide to follow what our needs are or if we choose to find a different solution is up to us.

The truth is, we can live our lives differently. Yes, we may not currently have our dream job, our perfect relationship, the best health, or the financial security we want, yet there is always a solution if it is important to you.

To achieve your greatest success, you need to live your life holistically. It means honoring yourself, your decisions, ability, and deciding on what you are willing to sacrifice to get what you want. Life requires balance, and there is only so much time each day.

Success, achievement, and possibility do not come lucky for most. It requires consistency, dedication, and a lot of time investment. The way we spend our energy will be dependent on our happiness.

Whether you know it or not, even wealthy people feel despair, loneliness, boredom, and depression. If money was the answer to our problems, why are so many famous people dealing with the same emotional and spiritual problems?

What if true prosperity was the feeling of peace, contentment, and joy, and we have been putting all our attention in the wrong place? How would your life be different if you experienced the feeling of worthiness, happiness, confidence, and pure joy and love for life?

Is it possible to feel prosperous without having money, success, and material wealth? If we lived a life that focused on being around people who made us feel good, energized, and excited, how would life be different?

Perhaps our definition of prosperity needs to be refocused. Is it possible to have both? What do you have to sacrifice to achieve wealth versus living a life of deep passion, purpose, and peace?

I believe we can achieve amazing things when we put our minds to them. But more significant than just accomplishing the things we want, how about trying to do it in balance? When we begin to look at how much we have to balance, it is no wonder so many people feel tired, overwhelmed, and like they are living on the treadmill of life.

Take some to think about what is important to you. If you were to die tomorrow and had the chance to reflect on the way you lived your life, would you be happy with the way you spent your time?


The Courage to Live The Life You Want


Live Your Life with Passion and Purpose